The Book
“Think further: from the energy turnaround to the society of sustainability”
was awarded with Green Design International Contribution Award 2016 of the World Green Design Organization. (13th October 2016, Brussels, Belgium)
Think further: from the energy turnaround to the society of sustainability. This is the title of the new book of Prof. Dr. Dieter Flämig which has been awarded with the Green Design International Contribution Award 2016.
Prof. Flämig offers strategic ways to meet the goals of the UN-summit in Paris 2015 (COP21): one tonne CO2 per person and year worldwide in 2050. This requires a fundamental economic and societal change particularly in developed industrial countries. The book shows that system-inherent efficiency-strategies have to be substituted more and more by an economy of closed loops without green house gas emissions, without waste and toxics. It pleads for consequent green growth based on products, services and consumptions which permanently respect the balances and limits of our biosphere. For such development Prof. Flämig recommends the set up of a multi-dimensions-policy with a century-vision, stable frameworks, SME as main promoters, system-oriented scientific support, customers as stakeholders of progress and a climate-protection-pension for all pension savers to finance and secure the ecological-economic transformations in a return-oriented way.
Book launch by with the author Prof. Dr. Dieter Flämig at 9th July 2016.
If you habe any problem with playing of the video, you can view this interview directly at Youtube:
Dr. Angela Merkel on the central CDU-party congress at 6th. December 2016 with this book "Think further".
Here is a summaryof the content.
If you are interested in the "pre-printed exemplar" please contact with .