The Chinese vice prime minister Liu Yandong and the Chinese minister of science and technology Prof. Dr. Wan Gang have visited Berlin / Germany.
INFRANEU / INFRAWIND EURASIA had the honor to meet with these guests of state and to participate in the organisation of the visit program with the collaboration of the Chinese embassy in Berlin.
The Book „Weiter Denken: von der Energiewende zur Nachhaltigkeitsgesellschaft"
"Think further: from the energy turnaround to the society of sustainability"
was awarded with Green Design International Contribution Award 2016 of the World Green Design Organization in Brussels, Belgium.
The concept and project "Green Health City" of INFRAWIND EURASIA e.V.
was awarded with the "2015 World Green Design Product Award Silver Prize" of the World Green Design Organization.
(20th May 2015, Yangzhou, China)
Project Presentation "Green Health City"
Participation of Prof. Dr. Dieter Flämig and Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Yu Li at the SDSN Germany Round Table of Green Climate Fund (GCF) High-Level Pledging Conference hosted by the German Federal Government on November 20th 2014 in Berlin.
In addition, there is a brief news article on the global SDSN website.
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Attendance of Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Yu Li as vice president of INFRAWIND EURASIA e. V. during the state visit in the Chinese Embassy in Berlin.
Participation of Prof. Dr. Flämig and Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Yu Li in the Asia-Forum at Boao on Hainan.
(Green Health-City-Workshop with CPNE and INFRAWIND EURASIA/INFRANEU)
Here an article in the Asia Forum.
INFRAWIND EURASIA meeting for the project „Green Health City" in the coordination center in Berlin with the chinese project management (leader of the delegation: Mr. Gao Jingyun) and german experts.
INFRAWIND EURASIA-Visitation of the Campus Berlin-Buch in October 2013 with Governer Li Guoliang / Province Hainan just before signing the agreement of cooperation between BBB Management and Bio-China International Group.
A High-level Dialogue Conference on Implementing Rio+20 Decisions on Sustainable Cities and Transport took place in Berlin at 19th and 20th July 2013, that was held respectively created under United Nations, InnoZ, China Power International, represented by CPNE, and INFRAWIND EURASIA et. al.. The performance of the president of CPI Ms. Li Xiaolin was reported in the Deutsche Welle.
The German language report is for you available here:
High-level Dialogue on Implementing Rio+20 Decisions on Sustainable Cities and Transport
Program Press Information Additionally Information on Speakers and Links
The President of China Power International, Ms. Li Xiaolin, together with Governor Jiang Dingzhi at the reception of Hainan Province on 13.12.2012 in Haikou - together with leading representatives of the Hainan Province and the "Green Health City" delegation of INFRAWIND EURASIA headed by Prof. Dr. Dieter Flämig and Alexander Yu Li (with Prof. Dr. Steinhagen-Thiessen, Mrs. Sandra Retzer, Prof. Peter Ruge, Peter Eger and Dr. Jürgen Peters / InnoZ).
The President of China Power International, Ms. Li Xiaolin, at the International Smart Grid conference IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2012 on 16.10.2012 in the Congress center Postbahnhof in Berlin - as hostess of the "Night of China Power New Energy" with IEE PES President Dr. Noel N. Schulz, former Prime Minister Dr. Lothar de Maizière, the Chinese Ambassador to Germany Shi Mingde and the President INFRA WIND EURASIA Prof. Dr. Dieter Flämig
The President of China Power International, Ms. Li Xiaolin, and the General Manager of CPINE Yin Lian with the representatives of the "Health City of Berlin" (Dr. Franz Dormann) and INFRAWIND EURASIA (Prof. Dieter Flämig, Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Yu Li, Dipl.-Soz. Elke Flämig) after the signing of the bilateral partnership agreement on the project "Green Health City" on 16.10.2012 in Berlin (Ritz Carlton).
The President of Chinese Renewable Energy Society (CRES), Prof. Dr. Shi Dinghuan visited Berlin in April 2012, where he presented the partnership document of his association to the board of INFRAWIND EURASIA, represented by the President Prof. Dr. Dieter Flämig and Vice-President Alexander Yu Li INFRAWIND EURASIA e. V. in the rooms of Humboldt Forum. The board of INFRAWIND EURASIA thus have officially been appointed preferred "STRATEGIC PARTNERS" of the International Cooperation Center of CRES.
Signing of the Privileged Partnership Contract in Beijing and Berlin.
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INFRAWIND EURASIA in collaboration with the city administration of Linxiang (Hunan Province, PR China) for the 200 MW wind park project at the Huanggai Lake
Event in Wenzhou (PR China) with participation of INFRAWIND
Report about INFRAWIND in „Globzine" Magazine June/ July 2008 Edition (Text only in Chinese)